US: Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia probe


US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has agreed to recuse himself from an investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.
His comments on Thursday came a day after the Washington Post reported that Sessions, a former senator who advised Donald Trump's campaign on foreign policy and other issues, met the Russian ambassador in July and September, just as accusations of Russian interference in the election were building.
At a news conference, Sessions drew a distinction between his conversations with the Russian ambassador in his role as a senator and his role in the Trump campaign.
He said the decision to recuse himself from a federal investigation came at the urging of senior career officials in the justice department.
"I feel I should not be involved in investigating a campaign I had a role in,", Sessions said.
His critics say his two conversations with Moscow's US envoy Sergey Kislyak contradict Sessions' statements during his confirmation hearing when he told Congress he had not had communications with Russians during the campaign.
Calling for Sessions to resign, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi accused him of "lying under oath".
The White House has stood behind Sessions, though officials say they first learned about his contacts with the ambassador from a reporter on Wednesday night.
Trump said he had "total" confidence in Sessions and did not think he needed to step aside from the investigation.
The justice department has maintained there was nothing improper about Sessions' contacts or his answers to Congress.
Trump has been trailed for months by questions about potential ties to Russia. He has vigorously denied being aware of any contacts his associates had with Russia during the campaign and has also insisted he has no financial ties to Russia.
The justice department acknowledged two separate Sessions interactions with Kislyak, both after cybersecurity firms had concluded that Russian intelligence agencies were behind cyber-hacking of the Democratic National Committee.


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