Health: Food You Must Not Refrigerate

Food You Must Not Refrigerate

Refrigerators and deep freezers are excellent for preserving a wide variety of food items including drinks, fruits, juices, creams and even ogbono soups you would prefer to last forever. However, some grocery items do not require refrigeration and in fact, keeping them in fridges could render them potentially harmful when consumed. Such consumables, when subjected to refrigeration, could taste, smell and even look normal, at the same time being quite dangerous because of the pathogenic bacteria they might have acquired during the process of refrigeration.

Below is a list of food items you probably shouldn’t keep anywhere near your favourite cooler.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are notorious for getting spoilt quickly. Refrigerating them actually drains them of their flavours and keeps them all mushy. They are best left on the counter for use when necessary.

Onions: Onions will only soften and compromise the rest of the items you have in your fridge. Imagine having your vanilla ice cream revealing an onion taste after spending days with your onion in the refrigerator. If I were you, I’d keep them in a paper bag within a cool, dark cabinet or drawer.

Peppers: These include red, yellow, green as well as chilli peppers. Having them stored in paper bags within a cupboard or drawer is just perfect for these food items.

Garlic: Garlics can keep their exciting flavour for several weeks when stored in paper bags in a cool, dark spot

Potatoes: These should not even be considered for refrigeration because when they get too cold, their starchy content turns to sugar before giving off a different flavour. All potatoes should be stored in paper bags within cool, dark drawers or cupboards.

Bananas: Bananas should be kept on counters in the open. Keeping them in enclosed areas like fridges will only speed up their deadline for getting rotten.

Avocados: Avocados are great when stored on the counter. However, leftovers can be kept in the fridge at the detriment of them losing their flavours. This is why it is best to use the whole avocado whenever a cut is attempted.

Apples: Ignore the factory-fitted fruit sticker on the body of your refrigerator. Keep your apples on the counter. Like tomatoes, they also begin to lose their flavour and texture whenever they are refrigerated. You can however toss them in the fridge for not more than 30minutes if you want to have a crisp chow.

Citruses: Room temperature over the counter is advised. Oranges, limes, lemons, grapes etc, are best left out of the fridge. It is wise not to store them too close to each other because for some reason they tend to mould when bunched together.

Watermelons: These balls are permitted for refrigeration only if they have been cut. Otherwise, they should be stored outside the fridge as they are prone to breaking down and ending up mealy.

Ketchup: Even after you have opened your ketchup, its best to leave them in the pantry. They usually contain just the right amount of vinegar and preservatives to keep them safe from refrigeration for as long as their expiry date lasts.

Bread: Yes. Some people are still guilty of this crime against flour. In case you don’t know, bread actually gets dried out rapidly when stored in fridges. Best to store them in cool cupboards or bread boxes in order to get fresh slices when needed.

Honey: Unless you are a sucker for crystallized gunk, you’d better leave jars of honey out of the fridge. Room temperature is just perfect for honey. Remember to store it away from direct sunlight as well.

Coffee: After taking some few teaspoonful of coffee, you’d probably feel the best place to keep the rest of the coffee is in the fridge. Room temperature is best for coffee. The reason is because the natural oils found in coffee retain their potency for a more flavoursome experience.

Next time you order groceries on, just remember not to keep these stuffs anywhere inside your refrigerator. If you really want to keep them fresh, then clear some space for them over the counter or in your cabinets.

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